your way From dull job to passion

Attention women who

want to change careers at 50

Worried if it is too late?

Lost in search of meaningful work?

Your solution

is here ↓

your way From dull job to passion

Attention women who want to change careers at 50

Worried if it is too late?
Lost in search of meaningful work?

Your solution is here ↓

Welcome to your safe haven, a place where you can:

Gain clarity on the type of work that truly fulfills you

Make a confident decision regarding whether to stay or embark on a new path

Define practical steps to initiate the transformative change you seek

Shake off the burden of having to work where you are

Welcome to your safe haven, a place where you can:

Gain clarity on the type of work that truly fulfills you


Make a confident decision regarding whether to stay or embark on a new path


Define practical steps to initiate the transformative change you seek

Shake off the burden of having to work where you are

Thinking about late-career change is scary. On the other hand, you’re likely spending 250 days a year in a job that leaves you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Despite this, you hold onto a glimmer of hope that you still have a chance to do something meaningful. You’re at a crossroads, unsure of what steps to take or how to initiate change, so you stay put. As months and years pass, you unintentionally create a growing snowball of problems, uncertain of when it will gather enough momentum to hit you hard.

Thinking about late-career change is scary. On the other hand, you’re likely spending 250 days a year in a job that leaves you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Despite this, you hold onto a glimmer of hope that you still have a chance to do something meaningful. You’re at a crossroads, unsure of what steps to take or how to initiate change, so you stay put. As months and years pass, you unintentionally create a growing snowball of problems, uncertain of when it will gather enough momentum to hit you hard.

Eye-opening statistics about women's workplace challenges

Only 21% rarely avoid burnout - an alarming struggle so many of us have faced.


Just 41% of us don't consider changing jobs within next year, leaving over half of us driven by a shared desire for fulfilling work.

With just 61% finding job happiness, the quest for meaningful, satisfying work is widespread among us.


Sadly, nearly half of women face unequal promotion opportunities, a challenge you have likely encountered yourself.

Women in the Workplace Report 2022 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company. Over 40000 women in 333 companies surveyed.

Eye-opening statistics about women's workplace challenges

Only 21% rarely avoid burnout - an alarming struggle so many of us have faced.


Just 41% of us don't consider changing jobs within next year, leaving over half of us driven by a shared desire for fulfilling work.

With just 61% finding job happiness, the quest for meaningful, satisfying work is widespread among us.


Sadly, nearly half of women face unequal promotion opportunities, a challenge you have likely encountered yourself.

Women in the Workplace Report 2022 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company. Over 40000 women in 333 companies surveyed.

Are any of these thoughts familiar to you?

  • I'm craving for the work that is meaningful to me and longing for a change, but am unsure of how to make it happen


  • I've accumulated years of experience and wisdom, yet I'm stuck where I don't belong - in a role that doesn't acknowledge, doesn't utilize my true talents


  • I often find myself on the sidelines of my own life, watching others pursue their dreams, while I remain stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill me


  • I'm trapped in a state of paralysis, without the strength to initiate change or movement while opportunities slip through my fingers like grains of sand


  • It's as if I'm endlessly running on a treadmill, but making no progress, expending energy in activities that fail to bring me joy and each day feels like a repetition of the last, with no excitement, purpose, or passion to look forward to

Any woman in her mid years can transit from an unfulfilling work she is doing now to a completely different occupation she is dreaming of

by using the D.I.G.N.I.T.Y.™ blueprint

because that blueprint addresses almost all variables happening in her daily life during that change process!

If any of the above resonates with you, you've come to the right place

"Most women are taking more steps to prioritize their personal lives, but at no cost to their ambition — they remain just as committed to their careers, and just as interested in advancing... These women are defying the outdated notion that work and life are incompatible — and that one comes at the expense of the other."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

"Most women are taking more steps to prioritize their personal lives, but at no cost to their ambition — they remain just as committed to their careers, and just as interested in advancing... These women are defying the outdated notion that work and life are incompatible — and that one comes at the expense of the other."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

release your breaks by ....

It too late for a

career change

What if I land in

the same situation

What if I fail

Change will compromise

my financial stability

It will be hard to juggle

family and new career

I dont have time to

learn new skills

What will others think

Not sure what my true

passions and interests are

Where do I find confidence

for such a great change

Any woman in her mid years can transit from an unfulfilling work she is doing now to a completely different occupation she is dreaming of

by using the D.I.G.N.I.T.Y.™ blueprint

because that blueprint addresses almost all variables happening in her daily life during that change process!

If any of the above resonates with you, you've come to the right place

i get you! it is like driving with your breaks on

You yearn to break free from your current situation, yet a relentless loop of pressing questions holds you hostage. These questions, crucial as they are, multiply, leaving you overwhelmed each time you attempt to answer them. Despite your many brave attempts, you remain undecided about whether to stay put or embark on a new and fulfilling journey. As months and years go by, the perpetual internal battle transforms into a constant storm, denying you the tranquility you seek.

Now, picture the liberating sensation of shedding the weight from your shoulders.


What if you could effortlessly untangle the threads of these questions, putting an end to the push and pull, much like navigating through a storm to find calm seas?


How would it feel to emerge from the tempest, regaining control and finding clarity as if the skies had finally cleared?


In just two days, you can shift from the uncertainty of "I don't know what to do" to the certainty of "I know exactly what I will do."

i get you!

it is like driving with your breaks on

You yearn to break free from your current situation, yet a relentless loop of pressing questions holds you hostage. These questions, crucial as they are, multiply, leaving you overwhelmed each time you attempt to answer them. Despite your many brave attempts, you remain undecided about whether to stay put or embark on a new and fulfilling journey. As months and years go by, the perpetual internal battle transforms into a constant storm, denying you the tranquility you seek.

Now, picture the liberating sensation of shedding the weight from your shoulders. What if you could effortlessly untangle the threads of these questions, putting an end to the push and pull, much like navigating through a storm to find calm seas? How would it feel to emerge from the tempest, regaining control and finding clarity as if the skies had finally cleared? In just two days, you can shift from the uncertainty of "I don't know what to do" to the certainty of "I know exactly what I will do."

start with 2 Immersive VIP days

start with 2 Immersive VIP days

work Flexibility fuels the potential and ambitions of women

Microaggressions at work have a large & lasting impact on health

A broken rung is the biggest barrier to promotion

Peek behind the curtain

Visualize how you wake up Monday morning and as you open your eyes, you feel an overwhelming sense of joy and your heart dances with anticipation. Your heart is filled with gratitude to yourself for deciding to do the work that fulfills you.


Now every day starts with excitement and purpose that flows through every fiber of your being. Your work is no longer a burden but a calling, a source of inspiration. Each day, you get to do what you love, and it feels like you're embraced by a cocoon of


Your newfound confidence allows you to express your ideas with conviction and clarity. You are a beacon of positivity, hope, and passion, radiating light and warmth to everyone you encounter. Your energy influences those around you making them more supportive. Ideas and plans for yourself and your family fill your
thoughts. Your family loves how invigorated and balanced you are. And your friends wonder what did you do to look so much younger.

A fleeting memory of how suffocating your days used to be briefly shadows through your mind, but the never-ending stress, and the relentless monotony of your former job feels like a distant echo now. It's as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can finally take a deep breath filling your lungs full with fresh air. It makes you smile because you know that your new career is no longer just a vision and the woman who is embracing a future full of possibilities, confidence, and professional satisfaction - is you.


The life you desire is waiting. Reach out and grab it with both hands, pull it toward you as fiercely as you can with all your passion. Do it! Do it now because you don't want to spend another minute without experiencing what you've just imagined for yourself!

Peek behind the curtain

Visualize how you wake up Monday morning and as you open your eyes, you feel an overwhelming sense of joy and your heart dances with anticipation. Your heart is filled with gratitude to yourself for deciding to do the work that fulfills you.


Now every day starts with excitement and purpose that flows through every fiber of your being. Your work is no longer a burden but a calling, a source of inspiration. Each day, you get to do what you love, and it feels like you're embraced by a cocoon of happiness.


Your newfound confidence allows you to express your ideas with conviction and clarity. You are a beacon of positivity, hope, and passion, radiating light and warmth to everyone you encounter. Your energy influences those around you making them more supportive. Ideas and plans for yourself and your family fill your thoughts. Your family loves how invigorated and balanced you are. And your friends wonder what did you do to look so much younger.

A fleeting memory of how suffocating your days used to be briefly shadows through your mind, but the never-ending stress, and the relentless monotony of your former job feels like a distant echo now. It's as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can finally take a deep breath filling your lungs full with fresh air. It makes you smile because you know that your new career is no longer just a vision and the woman who is embracing a future full of possibilities, confidence, and professional satisfaction - is you.


The life you desire is waiting. Reach out and grab it with both hands, pull it toward you as fiercely as you can with all your passion. Do it! Do it now because you don't want to spend another minute without experiencing what you've just imagined for yourself!

My sole focus is on one thing:

Making you the powerful architect who creates your

career vision and turns it into physical results

My sole focus is on one thing:

Making you the powerful architect who creates your career vision and turns it into physical results

"Burnout from management responsibilities and unsustainable workload has made me more ambitious, but not in the same way. I’m more ambitious about going after something different. I’m more ambitious about making a career change or going after something where I feel more fulfilled."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

"Burnout from management responsibilities and unsustainable workload has made me more ambitious, but not in the same way. I’m more ambitious about going after something different. I’m more ambitious about making a career change or going after something where I feel more fulfilled."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

"Find your passion and you will find your energy and strength!"

Elizabeth Stief

Mentor & Coach

"Find your passion and you will find your energy and strength!"

Elizabeth Stief

Mentor & Coach

one chapter for free

Have you ever wished you could make decisions and choices with ease, free from doubt or regret? Or perhaps find a better balance in your personal and work life? Your wish just came true! You deserve to know the crucial impact that values have on every aspect of your life. Get this one chapter for free now!


And seize a step-by-step guide to unveil your personal core values. The guide is a special extra bonus, a limited time offer.

This exclusive sneak peek chapter is extracted from the upcoming book


How to Start Navigating the Maze

Unlock a treasure trove of insights you can't afford to ignore, especially if you're
uncertain about a midlife career shift or on the verge of a major decision. This proven actionable guide ensures you steer clear of the most common costly mistakes that could jeopardize your chances of achieving a truly fulfilling career.

one chapter for free

Have you ever wished you could make decisions and choices with ease, free from doubt or regret? Or perhaps find a better balance in your personal and work life? Your wish just came true! You deserve to know the crucial impact that values have on every aspect of your life. Get this one chapter for free now!


And seize a step-by-step guide to unveil your personal core values. The guide is a special extra bonus, a limited time offer.

This exclusive sneak peek chapter is extracted from the upcoming book


How to Start Navigating the Maze

Unlock a treasure trove of insights you can't afford to ignore, especially if you're
uncertain about a midlife career shift or on the verge of a major decision. This proven actionable guide ensures you steer clear of the most common costly mistakes that could jeopardize your chances of achieving a truly fulfilling career.

From inside your Navigator`s Seat

As a proud member of the International Coaching Federation with a suitcase full of university diplomas and coaching certifications, I've had the privilege to acquire my skills under the guidance of world-famous mentors. Before that, several years of my life were marked by a persistent desire for meaningful work, frustrated by doubts about leaving my former dead-end job until I could no longer bear it.

The rocky road to my purposeful career led me to develop a deeply thought-through structured mentoring and coaching 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™. My proven strategies now guide dynamic spirits trapped in monotonous jobs toward liberating breakthroughs filled with authenticity and joy.


For you, this means having a structured, proven methodology for career transformation. I offer a tailored, empathetic and results-driven private approach, ensuring you embark on a journey of profound professional and personal growth. Together, we'll navigate your path to a fulfilling career and life that resonates with your true essence and your passions.


Being a globe-trotter since 16, I've gathered a treasure trove of experiences that transformed me into an open-minded enthusiast, embracing life's beautiful chaos. Fluent in 5 languages, I've created bridges between cultures and souls, making everyone feel comfortable and accepted. My journey through constant changes and living in different countries has taught me that Change is my steadfast sanctuary, giving me the strength to navigate any situation.


This means that I can show you how to use change to your advantage. When we work together my wealth of cultural understanding, knowledge and powerful skills become your safe harbor and my experience becomes your flight plan for piloting your career transition with confidence and ease.

From inside your Navigator`s Seat

As a proud member of the International Coaching Federation with a suitcase full of university diplomas and coaching certifications, I've had the privilege to acquire my skills under the guidance of world-famous mentors. Before that, several years of my life were marked by a persistent desire for meaningful work, frustrated by doubts about leaving my former dead-end job until I could no longer bear it.

The rocky road to my purposeful career led me to develop a deeply thought-through structured mentoring and coaching 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™. My proven strategies now guide dynamic spirits trapped in monotonous jobs toward liberating breakthroughs filled with authenticity and joy.


For you, this means having a structured, proven methodology for career transformation. I offer a tailored, empathetic and results-driven private approach, ensuring you embark on a journey of profound professional and personal growth. Together, we'll navigate your path to a fulfilling career and life that resonates with your true essence and your passions.


Being a globe-trotter since 16, I've gathered a treasure trove of experiences that transformed me into an open-minded enthusiast, embracing life's beautiful chaos. Fluent in 5 languages, I've created bridges between cultures and souls, making everyone feel comfortable and accepted. My journey through constant changes and living in different countries has taught me that Change is my steadfast sanctuary, giving me the strength to navigate any situation.


This means that I can show you how to use change to your advantage. When we work together my wealth of cultural understanding, knowledge and powerful skills become your safe harbor and my experience becomes your flight plan for piloting your career transition with confidence and ease.

My core values provide the strong foundation for working with you











Passion & Joy


My core values provide the strong foundation for working with you

Integrity - Acceptance - Generosity

Respect - Honesty - Freedom

Empathy - Gratitude - Curiosity

Authenticity - Passion & Joy - Commitment

I serve women who want to break free from a dead-end job and need a strategic reliable plan for transitioning to a fulfilling purpose-driven, passion-infused occupation without getting overwhelmed or fearing the unknown.

"Overdelivering is my minimum standard and I feel fortunate to have the possibility to do so."

Elizabeth Stief

Mentor & Coach

If any of that resonates with you,

you've come to the right place

I serve women who want to break free from a dead-end job and need a strategic reliable plan for transitioning to a fulfilling purpose-driven, passion-infused occupation without getting overwhelmed or fearing the unknown.

"Overdelivering is my

minimum standard and I feel fortunate to have the possibility to do so."

Elizabeth Stief

Mentor & Coach

If any of that resonates with you, you've come to the right place

"I think people have come through the pandemic feeling a bit more empowered. We’ve realized that being in a toxic environment where you’re not happy is just not worth it."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

This exclusive sneak peek chapter is extracted from the upcoming book

Have you ever wished you could make decisions and choices with ease, free from doubt or regret? Or perhaps find a better balance in your personal and work life? Your wish just came true! You deserve to know the crucial impact that values have on every aspect of your life. Get this one chapter for free now!


And seize a step-by-step guide to unveil your personal core values. The guide is a special extra bonus, a limited time offer.

"I think people have come through the pandemic feeling a bit more empowered. We’ve realized that being in a toxic environment where you’re not happy is just not worth it."

Women in the Workplace Report 2023 by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company.

Brené Brown

"Midlife: when the Universe grabs

your shoulders and tells you

“I’m not f-ing around, use the gifts you were given...

...If you own this story

you get to write the ending...

...It’s not about ‘ what can I accomplish?’
but ‘what do I want to accomplish?’"

Lisa Nichols

"Being unapologetic

means that I will be

ALL of ME...

...I will no longer shrink or
compromise myself by playing small

so others will

not feel insecure

in my presence."

Diane von Furstenberg

"The most important relationship you have in life is the one

you have with yourself...

...And then after that, I'd say once you have that, it may be hard work, but you can actually design your life...

...I am very free, that I've managed to be who I wanted to be without compromising."

Life doesn't always follow a linear path

And your career doesn't have to

Traditional systems for finding new job tend to be rigid and do not always accommodate the circumstances and changing needs of women in their mid-years.


Literally, conventional systems make it hard for us to find even simple jobs, forget about something that fulfills us! Because of outdated systems it is hard despite tons of unique qualities and invaluable experiences we accumulated through the years.


The very fact that a woman like you needs something different from "one-size-fits-all" was a trigger for development of my signature blueprint that offers a path beyond these limitations. It's designed to embrace your multifaceted individuality.



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