Are you a female manager or admin in your prime,

tired of repeating: “Next year I'll change jobs”?



Revolutionize your creative “I WISH”

daydreams into an "I’M DOING IT!" action plan

Are you a female manager or admin in your prime, tired of repeating:

“Next year I'll change jobs”?




Revolutionize your creative

"I WISH” into “I’M DOING IT!”

action plan

Has IT'S JUST A JOB become your mantra to get through the day?

Is your work password a subtle cry for help?

NoMore123 - GetMeOut! - HelpSOS

Do you look at your colleagues and think:

Is everyone else really happy? are we all faking it?

Has "IT'S JUST A JOB" become your mantra to get through the day?

Is your work password

a subtle cry for help?

NoMore123 - HelpSOS - GetMeOut!

Do you look at your

colleagues and think:

"Is everyone else really happy here, or are we all faking it?"



You mastered your job to perfection, but in the process you lost yourself.

That pressure, that suffering, it doesn't stay at work, does it? It follows you home, it's all over your personal life…


Even if we haven't met yet, I know what's going on with you now is rough. This job's really doing a number on you, huh?

You come home from work, and you're just... empty. There's nothing left for your partner, for fun, for anything really. You've noticed how it's changing you - that grumpy person in the mirror? That's not the real you, is it?

You're stress eating, buying stuff you don't need. Just to fill that emptiness inside, right? And it's not working… You used to have hobbies, but they seem like a distant memory now.

And oh, those emotions! One minute you're angry, the next you're on the verge of tears. It's exhausting riding that roller coaster every day. 


You catch yourself being cynical and you avoid meeting up with friends. It's like, what would you even talk about? Your boring job or how miserable you are? You think it's easier to just stay home.

Your forced smile masks the fed-up voice in your head screaming:

Is this all there is ?!

Anxiety. Restlessness. Emptiness. Regret

Anxiety. Restlessness. Emptiness. Regret

These feelings are all too familiar, aren't they?

If you find yourself counting down the hours until your workday ends, wishing for time to speed up, remember that each of these days is a day of your life you'll never get back.  

Ask yourself:

What happens if you do nothing?  

Imagine yourself 5, 10 years from now, in the same job, waking up every morning with that feeling of doing something against your will. You look in the mirror and barely recognize the woman staring back at you – nothing but emptiness in her eyes.

You're a dam holding back an ocean of frustration:

Do you burst open quickly or disappear slowly, piece by piece?

The cost is real and the price is too high:

Your health. Your relationships. Your overall happiness.

You're not alone. 

Countless women in their prime have found themselves here - successful on paper, but drowning in silent desperation. The sad truth is, most women facing these struggles cling to the familiar, even when it no longer serves them and even when it is painful. 

Frustration. Anxiety. Restlessness. Emptiness. Regret

These feelings are all too familiar, aren't they?

If you find yourself counting down the hours until your workday ends, wishing for time to speed up, remember that each of these days is a day of your life you'll never get back.  

Ask yourself: What happens if you do nothing?  

Imagine yourself 5, 10 years from now, in the same job, waking up every morning with that feeling of doing something against your will. You look in the mirror and barely recognize the woman staring back at you – nothing but emptiness in her eyes.

The cost is real and the price is too high: Your health. Your relationships. Your overall happiness.

You're not alone. 

Countless women in their prime have found themselves here - successful on paper, but drowning in silent desperation. The sad truth is, most women facing these struggles cling to the familiar, even when it no longer serves them and even when it is painful. 

You are stuck between a rock and a hard place

But will you leap?

Or will you stay and slowly wither?



You know that SETTLING FOR LESS is not an option!



Sunday evening, anxiety creeps in.

You have nightmares and wake up sweating.

It's morning, but you are exhausted.

Thinking about work makes you sick.

You sleepwalk through the workday.

Evenings you come home, snap at loved ones, cry in the shower.

You numb out, with wine, Netflix, anything…

You collapse into bed.
Tomorrow, it all starts again.

Days melt into years and disappear in a suffocating smog of your personal oblivion...

You're alive, but not living.

You're barely coping.

You are stuck between a rock and a hard place

But will you leap?

Or will you stay and slowly wither?



You know that settling for less is not an option!

When playing it safe starts feeling dangerous

When playing it safe starts feeling dangerous

Ever find yourself caught between the devil you know and the dream you can't shake? That was me. On paper, I had it all – the qualifications, the steady paycheck. But inside? I was dying. And when life threw me a few curveballs, it hit me: I'd been feeling this way for 7 years. 


Let that sink in. 7 years passed since I first realized "good enough" wasn't good enough anymore. 7 years of just... doing the same thing, existing from vacation to vacation. 

Staying put felt a whole lot scarier than taking a leap.

You know how it is, you dive into self-help books, youtube videos and personal development courses.

You name it, I tried it.


6 months flew by until I admitted I needed qualified personal guidance. But everything out there seemed to ignore women like you and me - experienced and yearning for more. 


Finally private sessions with a coach set everything in motion. It was like excavating buried treasure - parts of myself I thought were long gone started resurfacing. Next 3 months changed everything. 

It wasn't about a blind leap anymore. I had a vision. I had a plan. I was ready.

Now? I wake up with that can't-wait-to-start-my-day buzz. 

My professional passion was so infectious, it spilled over into my personal life. Those relationships that were on life support? They're thriving, now that I'm not dragging work stress home like a ton of bricks.

lessons learned, wisdom shared

lessons learned, wisdom shared

The clarity doesn't just change your career. It transforms your entire perspective. It shows you how to blend your hard-earned wisdom with new skills.


It inspired me to develop a Framework and this program. 

Elizabeth Stief - Late-career change mentor & coach for women

You don't have to walk the thorny maze the same way I did


Every mistake, every victory, every 'aha!' moment I had, is distilled into an actionable takeaway for you. Those deep, sometimes painful lessons have become your roadmap.


This is what lights me up now

This is my passion


Imagine stumbling through a dark, unfamiliar forest, tripping over every root, bumping into every tree. That's how I had to do it. But you… you will get a detailed map and a compass to find your way. 

Every strategy, every tool in this program is born from real experience, developed with certified skills, refined by professional insight and tailored for women just like you

This isn't just about sharing my story


It's about rewriting yours


It's about taking everything I've learned and using it to illuminate your path forward. Because your time is now, and you deserve a guide who's not just been there, but who's dedicated and passionate about making your journey smoother, faster, and infinitely more fulfilling.

Your story doesn't have to end

with a regretful

"WHAT IF?" in a few years

It can start with an excited "WHAT'S NEXT?!" right now!

Elizabeth Stief - Late-career change mentor & coach for women

"Find your passion and you will find your energy and strength!"

Elizabeth Stief

Late-career change mentor & coach for women

CRAVING for one-size-fits-all



You've got facets, layers, depth, and a lifetime of experiences that make you - uniquely you.

That's why your customized roadmap is waiting, complete with tools and strategies designed specifically for your journey so that you can

- stop feeling empty, stressed and disconnected from your true self

- stop letting work pressure and suffering consume your personal life

I created 'Late-Career D.N.A.' - a 12-week intensive program designed specifically for women like you, around 50 and stuck in managerial or administrative role, yearning to find fulfilling work that ignites your soul. 

'Late-Career D.N.A.'

is not some fossilized career advice from prehistoric copy-pasters.

By decoding your unique professional essence through personalized tools, this breakthrough system activates your career reinvention from the inside out. So that you can discover work that resonates with your values, passions, and hard-earned wisdom.

between who you are and what you do

between who you are and what you do

Bridge who you are with what you do

In just 90 days

by leveraging your unique experiences, strengths and wisdom

What you're longing for in your work - meaningful impact, creative expression, life balance, or just feeling in your element? It's all doable and it can truly reflect the real you and what you stand for.

You can:

Dedicate yourself to a cause that drives meaningful change

Dedicate yourself to a cause

Turn your creative talents into professional endeavor

Use creative talents for profession

Find a career to keep you engaged now and in retirement

Find a new career for retirement

Identify fulfilling, low-stress occupation for work-life balance

Fulfilling low stress work-life balance

A Closer Look

A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Say goodbye to career confusion and frustration

No more "What am I doing with my life?" moments. Transform doubts into decisive action with a unique, tailored-for-you action blueprint.

Stop sacrificing

Uncover the hidden cost of settling for less and fuel your desire for change with a surprising revelation

Decode your career D.N.A.

Identify the unique blend of work elements that will light you up, keep you engaged and have you looking forward to Mondays

Leverage your unique attributes

Uncover your hidden strengths and use them for unprecedented professional success

Build your support squad

Turn the doubters and skeptics in your family and friends into your biggest fans. They'll be eager to ask you how they can help, not to stop you!

Get your money ducks in a row

Develop your strategy to plan and manage finances before the transition, ensuring a smooth and stress-free career change

Ignite your professional passion

Discover the key to feeling truly alive in your career again even if you think you've lost that spark forever

Tap into your deepest wellspring of motivation

Unlock your most powerful drive to turn your future job into an energizing personal mission that gets you jumping out of bed each morning

Find career choice clarity

Select with confidence the ideal path that resonates with your true self and feels like it was made just for you

Break free from living someone else's life

Reveal your natural career flow and make every workday feel true to who you really are

Conquer career-change anxiety

Transform self-doubt into self-assurance using powerful techniques leaving fears and obstacles in your rearview mirror

Fall in love with work again

Remember when you used to get a buzz from your job? That positive feeling is coming back, and it'll spill over into every part of your life - transforming not just your career, but your entire world!

Decode your career D.N.A.

Identify the unique blend of work elements that will light you up, keep you engaged and have you looking forward to Mondays

Say goodbye to career confusion and frustration

No more "What am I doing with my life?" moments. Transform doubts into decisive action with a unique, tailored-for-you action blueprint.

Stop sacrificing

Uncover the hidden cost of settling for less and fuel your desire for change with a surprising revelation

Leverage your unique attributes

Uncover your hidden strengths and use them for unprecedented professional success

Build your support squad

Turn the doubters and skeptics in your family and friends into your biggest fans. They'll be eager to ask you how they can help, not to stop you!

Get your money ducks in a row

Develop your strategy to plan and manage finances before the transition, ensuring a smooth and stress-free career change

Ignite your professional passion

Discover the key to feeling truly alive in your career again even if you think you've lost that spark forever

Tap into your deepest wellspring of motivation

Unlock your most powerful drive to turn your future job into an energizing personal mission that gets you jumping out of bed each morning

Find career choice clarity

Select with confidence the ideal path that resonates with your true self and feels like it was made just for you

Quit living someone else's life at work

Reveal your natural career flow and make every workday feel true to who you really are

Conquer career-change anxiety

Transform self-doubt into self-assurance using powerful techniques leaving fears and obstacles in your rearview mirror

Fall in love with work again

Remember when you used to get a buzz from your job? That positive feeling is coming back, and it'll spill over into every part of your life - transforming not just your career, but your entire world!



Unpacking Career Change from Blue box
  • 12 personalized one-on-one 60 minute mentoring & coaching sessions via Zoom, weekly over 3 months

  • 12 reflective exercises to awake insights between sessions

  • You've Got Control! 12 session customizations to align with your evolving journey

  • 4 progress reviews to celebrate achievements and refine goals

  • Comprehensive guidance powered by the innovative 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™

Unpacking Career Change from Blue box

Click for details →

12 personalized one-on-one 60 minute coaching sessions via Zoom, weekly over 3 months
60-minute coaching sessions on a weekly basis over 3 months via Zoom. Each session is a "power hour" personalized to your needs, designed to spark growth and accelerate your momentum

12 reflective exercises to awake insights between sessions
Between sessions, you engage in guided reflections that unlock valuable insights. These exercises prepare you for deep, transformative conversations and enhance your career- and self-awareness

You've got control! 12 session customizations to align with your evolving journey 
You briefly reflect on your progress and needs between sessions. This helps Elizabeth tailor the time together for maximum impact, ensuring every minute counts towards your goals

4 progress reviews to celebrate achievements and refine goals
You're stepping back to see where you are and how far you've come. These comprehensive overviews celebrate your achievements helping you see the bigger picture and confidently plan your next steps

Comprehensive guidance powered by the innovative 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™
As you are going through the program you're supported by the innovative 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™. This unique approach underpins every aspect of your program, nurturing your personal and professional growth in ways you've never experienced before and in ways traditional approaches often miss




Your Path


Unlocking Your

Authentic Self


Link Your Authentic

Self to Career Possibilities


Finalizing Your

Career Direction

Details →

At first, it's like stepping into a dimly lit room, cautiously exploring your surroundings. As you allow time for your vision to adjust, the outlines of your career goals gradually come into focus. You start recognizing and removing the barriers that might have held you back. With each step, you gain a clearer picture of your path forward, uncovering energizing insights for your way ahead.

Details →

Now that you've cleared the path, you are diving deep into what truly makes you tick. Like an archaeologist, each layer you uncover reveals more about your authentic self. As you brush away the dust of old mindsets, you discover valuable artifacts of your professional tendencies and personal attributes - some familiar, others surprisingly new. These discoveries form a solid foundation for your future decisions.

Details →

With your newfound self-knowledge as your compass, you're now like an explorer mapping an uncharted landscape of potential roles. As you traverse this terrain, you begin to recognize which routes resonate with your authentic self. The fog lifts and you are experiencing moments of profound clarity. Suddenly the  panorama of exciting opportunities that align with your values, passions, and strengths comes into focus.

Details →

You're now a captain setting sail with a well-planned route. You feel the momentum building as you move from exploration to decision-making and action. You evaluate and decide on your career options with confidence. As you leave the harbor, you feel a mix of excitement and purposeful determination. You're sailing towards a destination of fulfillment and alignment with your true self.




Your Path

Details →

At first, it's like stepping into a dimly lit room, cautiously exploring your surroundings. As you allow time for your vision to adjust, the outlines of your career goals gradually come into focus. You start recognizing and removing the barriers that might have held you back. With each step, you gain a clearer picture of your path forward, uncovering energizing insights for your way ahead.


Unlocking Your

Authentic Self

Details →

Now that you've cleared the path, you are diving deep into what truly makes you tick. Like an archaeologist, each layer you uncover reveals more about your authentic self. As you brush away the dust of old mindsets, you discover valuable artifacts of your professional tendencies and personal attributes - some familiar, others surprisingly new. These discoveries form a solid foundation for your future decisions.


Link Your Authentic

Self to Career Possibilities

Details →

With your newfound self-knowledge as your compass, you're now like an explorer mapping an uncharted landscape of potential roles. As you traverse this terrain, you begin to recognize which routes resonate with your authentic self. The fog lifts and you are experiencing moments of profound clarity. Suddenly the  panorama of exciting opportunities that align with your values, passions, and strengths comes into focus.


Finalizing Your

Career Direction

Details →

You're now a captain setting sail with a well-planned route. You feel the momentum building as you move from exploration to decision-making and action. You evaluate and decide on your career options with confidence. As you leave the harbor, you feel a mix of excitement and purposeful determination. You're sailing towards a destination of fulfillment and alignment with your true self.

Commitment over 12-Weeks


over 12-Weeks

How much time is needed weekly
How much time is needed weekly

Your Time Commitment:

weekly - 2 HOURS

YOUR mentors' Commitment:

- weekly - 3-4 HOURS

- Extra 18 hours To create your Personalized Bonuses live

See Details of your commitment

Weekly coaching session: 60 minutes

Dedicated time to receive personalized guidance and support

Weekly assignment: around 60 minutes

Engage in deep reflection to unlock insights and prepare for eye-opening discussions

Weekly session customization: 5 minutes

5 minutes to ensure your upcoming session is perfectly aligned with your needs and priorities

Progress review: 10 minutes / month

Invest a little time each month to get a bird's eye view of your progress

YOUR mentor's Commitment:

weekly - 3-4 HOURS

& additional 18 hours

To create your Personalized Bonuses

Details of your Mentor's commitment

Coaching session: 60 minutes

Your personal One-on-one power hour to spark growth and ignite your progress

Assess your weekly assignment: 60-90 minutes

In-depth analysis and preparing tailored guidance on respective topics

Customize upcoming session: 60-90 minutes

Crafting a personalized experience that aligns with your goals

Assess your progress review: 30 minutes

Review your monthly achievements to enhance your path forward

Extra commitment for live Bonuses:

VIP-Elite Dynamic Resource Pack: 16 hours

Up to 8 on-demand solutions to your specific challenges

Mindset Makeover Session: 60 minutes

Your breakthrough live one-on-one private session

Accelerate your Career Launch: 60 minutes

In-person generation of your opportunities compilation

Your transformative journey is powered by my proprietary 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™. This innovative approach goes beyond traditional career counseling, embracing the multidimensional nature of your life.

Every step - from illuminating your path to setting sail towards your new career - is supported by a flexible methodology that honors your unique experiences, wisdom, and aspirations.

What happens?

Get immediate access to everything you need to kickstart your journey

Download onboarding materials and assessments

Fill-in onboarding questionnaire

Schedule your first session

Complete your career assessment and begin exploration

Begin your transformation with assessing your career trajectory

Launch your discovery with the first assignment

Prepare a list of questions you want to have answered in your 1st session

1-st session: Get acquainted and specify your objectives

Set measurable, achievable goals for next 12 weeks

Prioritize key areas for attention and refinement

Clarify all questions or concerns you might have

Ensure you have all you need

Check technical stuff for seamless experience

Schedule best time for your one-on-one sessions

What happens?

Get immediate access &
everything you need to get started

Download onboarding materials to kickstart your journey

Fill-in onboarding questionnaire

Schedule your first session


Complete career assessment and start with 1st assignment

Begin your transformation with assessing your career trajectory

Launch your discovery with the first assignment

Prepare a list of questions you want to have answered in your 1st session


Get acquainted and specify your objectives: 1st session

Set measurable, achievable goals for the program


Prioritize key areas for attention and refinement

Clarify all questions or concerns you might have


Review onboarding materials to ensure you have all you need


Check technical questions for seamless experience



Attention: VIP Bonus 1

is time limited!

VIP Bonus 1

Exclusive Dynamic Resource Pack for Career Transition

valued at 4000 Euro

Elite Personalized Bonus
Supercharge your progress with up to 8 tailored solutions to help you overcome obstacles that may arise and hinder your career discovery. Simply describe your challenge and receive a tool, strategy technique, or any suitable approach that is laser-focused on resolving your specific problem. Each solution is created on-demand to ensure your journey is supported in every aspect of life. These solutions are not just for now - they provide lasting value, equipping you with strategies and tools you can apply whenever you encounter similar challenges in the future, ensuring your ongoing confidence and success.

Bonus 2

Breakthrough 60-minute

"Mindset Makeover" Session

valued at 500 Euro

Exclusive Personalized Bonus

Conquer career-limiting beliefs with this bespoke one-on-one session. Choose your focus from six transformative areas: self-esteem, confidence, mental blocks, boundaries, growth mindset, or negative thought patterns. This personalized breakthrough experience equips you with tailored strategies to overcome specific obstacles, empowering you to pursue new career horizons with unshakeable confidence and clarity.

Bonus 3


Career Launch Accelerator

valued at 700 Euro

Exclusive Personalized Bonus

A specially curated list of opportunities, freshly generated to match your unique career direction. This isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; it's a highly customized compilation crafted in-person exclusively for your specific needs and path. Choose 1:

For employment seekers

Dream Job Prospector

Amplify your job search with up to 50 potential employers, precisely matched to your career aspirations and preferred locations. Each opportunity is carefully selected to align with your professional goals and skills, increasing your chances of finding that perfect role in your desired field.

For direct-to-consumer entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial Venture Kickstarter

Jumpstart your entrepreneurial journey with a freshly curated list of up to 200 potential customers. This isn't a one-size-fits-all database; it's a bespoke compilation tailored to your unique business idea, target market, and geographic preferences. Whether you're offering niche services or innovative products, this personalized list connects you with individuals primed for your specific offerings, giving your new venture a running start.

For B2B providers

Professional Services Connector

Fuel your professional services or consultancy with a newly generated list of up to 200 business contacts. Crafted exclusively for your expertise and target industry, this tailored roster links you with organizations that align with your specific skills and offerings. While some specialized fields may yield fewer prospects, each connection is carefully vetted to match your unique professional profile, setting the stage for meaningful partnerships.

Bonus 4


Career Possibilities Report

valued at 750 Euro

Personalized Bonus

Ignite your imagination with this eye-opening list of professional pathways, rooted in Myers-Briggs and Holland career theories. Explore up to 50 professions tailored to your personality, sparking creative thinking and challenging preconceptions about your potential. This guide encourages you to envision diverse paths and embrace the full spectrum of your capabilities.

Bonus 5


Time Management Toolkit

valued at 250 Euro

Liberate your schedule with this custom-calibrated toolkit designed for seasoned professionals. Unlock practical strategies to streamline your commitments, creating space for self-discovery without sacrificing personal life. This flexible system frees up precious time, allowing you to dive into your Career D.N.A. exploration with ease and enthusiasm, all while maintaining a harmonious work-life balance tailored to your unique lifestyle.

Bonus 6


Value Negotiation Guide

valued at 250 Euro

Unlock the secrets of elite negotiators with this comprehensive PDF guide. Distilled from top experts' strategies, this resource equips you to advocate for your worth in diverse professional settings. Whether discussing salary, forging partnerships, or setting rates for your services, you'll learn to articulate your value with confidence. This powerful tool ensures you're prepared to secure favorable terms that truly reflect your expertise and potential across all professional contexts.

whAT path will you CHOOSE?

whAT path will you CHOOSE?

Your years of experience, your passion, your wisdom – they're all pieces of an amazing career puzzle.


This is your chance to finally bring that picture to life. Your best work lies ahead, with the potential to create a legacy.


Are you ready to turn the page on career uncertainty?

Enroll by 30 september to Receive

Over 29,000 Euro in value for just 5,947 Euro

PAY IN FULL OR in 3 INSTALLMENTs of 2,297 Euro

Get special offer Bonuses

in value over 6,450 Euro

Last opportunity this year:

Only 5 spots released!


Your inner child called,

she wants her dreams back:

it's time to answer!



Exclusive personalized bonus expires:


5 spots in the program

will be gone fast

Imagine ...

Imagine ...

  • Monday morning. You wake up smiling. Excited for work. Can you believe it?

  • Your job fits you. Like it was made for you. Because it was. By you. For you.

  • Your energy shows it. Your smile proves it. This is what you're meant to do. Each task lights you up. Every chat energizes you. Your work isn't just a job. It's you. The real you.

  • People seek you out. They want your thoughts. Your wisdom. Your unique fire. You speak up. Confident. Strong. Because you know your worth. Your value.

  • Work ends. But you're not drained. You're alive. Proud of what you've done. Ready for more. Home time is truly yours. Family. Friends. Hobbies. All enjoyed with energy you are ready to give away.

  • Your life is balanced. You feel whole. This is what well-being sounds like.

  • Look back at your journey. How does this sense of pride feel to you? You didn't just change jobs. You changed your life. Your fire. Your future. This is what awaits. Just one step away.

This could be your reality

Are you ready to turn this vision into your everyday life?

Career Compass
Career Compass

famous 100% career compass guarantee

4 reasons for a no-brainer decision

  1. Satisfaction first, transaction second! You've secured your spot on this career-search expedition. You'll be charged only 3 days after your first session. Not the right direction for you? Simply say 'no thanks' and walk away with no charge.

  2. You've been exploring your authentic professional identity, but feel my approach isn't delivering results? Get a full refund before 30 days are out

  3. 30 days passed and you need to step away from your career expedition? Get a refund for the unused sessions. Your journey, your pace.

  4. You've now been fully committed for 12 weeks, yet can't see your new career on the horizon? Get an additional 2 months of guidance, we'll keep calibrating your compass, no extra fees.

100% NO risk - 100% certified - 100% quality

100% NO risk - 100% certified - 100% quality

From your navigator's seat

From your navigator's seat

Imagine your life as a 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure' book, but somebody keeps giving you awful colorless pages. Sound familiar? Been there! Lived that tale! Now I've got a high-tech pen to help you draft a career story you'll love living.

I could blow my own horn and tell you that I've been trained by the crème de la crème and am a member of the International Coaching Federation.


But my real education?

It came from the eye-opening career reinvention journey when I was supposedly 'too old' for it after years spent in a frustrating job that had my dissatisfaction levels through the roof.

This led me to create 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™.


Sounds futuristic, huh? It's a next-gen career GPS guiding creative seasoned spirits like you, trapped as managers and admins, out of the labyrinth of job despair towards work that makes you want to jump out of bed on Monday mornings.

Living in different countries since 16, speaking 5 languages and experiencing frequent changes have taught me that 'Change' is not just invaluable - it's become my constant, giving me the strength to handle any situation. I am an open-minded enthusiast loving life's beautiful chaos.

When we team up, I will show you how to use ‘Change’ to your advantage.


You're not just getting a mentor - my wealth of cultural understanding, knowledge and powerful skills become your safe harbor and my experience becomes your flight plan for smooth sailing through turbulent career transformation skies.

Q & A

What time is available for my private sessions?

Availability: 7 days a week 08:00 - 22:00 European time

Is this program suitable for my future industry or profession?

The core principle of this program is that career changes are all about you. Unlike outdated career counseling systems that focus on jobs, my approach centers on your unique facets, individual needs, and aspirations. This program helps you explore yourself first, giving you the clarity to identify which careers will be most fulfilling for you, rather than fitting yourself into a predefined job.

How can this program help me find a career that excites me?

the fact is

When you look back on your life,

you won't regret the chances you took

you'll regret the ones you didn't. The time to act is now.

Your crossroads moment

Your crossroads moment

Change requires courage, and that's exactly what you're showing by being here. You've recognized that to achieve different outcomes, you must make different choices.

The decision you make today will either keep you where you are or open up a world of exciting possibilities. 

I lost 7 years until I recognized that I myself was my greatest obstacle and started working with a private coach. You don't have to make the same

mistake of waiting so long!

Enroll by 30 september to Receive:

Over 29,000 Euro

In value for just

5,947 Euro


3 INSTALLMENTs of 2,297 Euro


special offer Bonuses

in value

over 6,450 Euro

Act Fast

only 5 Spots released


Start strong – next year awaits you with a fresh career opportunity that fits you like a glove. Don't let this chance slip through your fingers like sand. It's time to throw open the doors to your professional paradise. Reveal the career that makes your heart sing, silence those doubt-gremlins and fan the flames of passion in your work. You have a tailor-made roadmap and unparalleled personalized mentoring at your fingertips right now.

make 2025 the year of your new career

Now’s the time to start!

Your Life, Your Choice

Your Life, Your Choice

Picture yourself 1 year from now. Will you be humming a new tune, or stuck on replay?

Truth bomb: Your life only shifts when you make the first move. 

Scary? Sure. Worth it? Absolutely.

This program might just be that bold stroke you need to rewrite your narrative. That spark that lights up a whole new path.

I'm thrilled at the thought of walking alongside you on this adventure.

Ready to turn the page together?