Are you a female manager or admin in your prime, tired of repeating: “Next year I'll change jobs”?

Does your career feel like an itchy sweater you can't take off?

Here's how to overcome doubt, uncertainties and finally decide

Are you a female manager or admin in your prime, tired of repeating:

“Next year I'll change jobs”?

Does your career feel

like an itchy sweater

you can't take off?

Here's how to overcome doubt, uncertainties and finally decide

When someone asks “What do you do?”, do you wish you had a different answer?

Does the phrase "I'm fine" feel like your biggest lie?

Do you catch yourself looking at job postings... in completely unrelated fields?

If you're lacking a sense of excitement and purpose in your work

Apply these tools to decide if what you have is worth saving or if it is time to let go

If you're concerned you're being stuck in a stagnant, dead-end profession

Use these strategies to create an action plan that will get you out of the dull and draining job

If you're frustrated by doing a job that doesn't reflect who you truly are

Leverage these methods to ensure your future workplace aligns with your identity and passion

Screaming ON MUTE?

screaming ON MUTE ?

You mastered your job to perfection, but in the process you lost yourself.

That pressure, that suffering, it doesn't stay at work, does it? It follows you home, it's all over your personal life…


Even if we haven't met yet, I know what's going on with you now is rough. This job's really doing a number on you, huh?

You come home from work, and you're just... empty. There's nothing left for your partner, for fun, for anything really. You've noticed how it's changing you - that grumpy person in the mirror? That's not the real you, is it?

You're stress eating, buying stuff you don't need. Just to fill that emptiness inside, right? And it's not working… You used to have hobbies, but they seem like a distant memory now.

And oh, those emotions! One minute you're angry, the next you're on the verge of tears. It's exhausting riding that roller coaster every day. 


You catch yourself being cynical and you avoid meeting up with friends. It's like, what would you even talk about? Your boring job or how miserable you are? You think it's easier to just stay home.

Your forced smile masks the fed-up voice in your head screaming:

Is this all there is ?!

What do you do when facing a dilemma?

What most people do when facing the dilemma of being stuck in an unfulfilling job is... continue on the same path, hoping that things will magically change.

But for the most, this only magnifies unhappiness.









These are all valid emotions when you feel trapped in a job that no longer fulfills you.





and the fact is

There is no such thing as the best time

for a major change. It is either:

you who initiates it


the change hits you hard when you least expect it!

The first option is better!

"The story of your life is a perpetual work in progress. Don’t stop writing, the most exciting chapters are yet to come!"

Elizabeth Stief

Late-Career-Change Mentor & Coach for Women

If you are standing in front of a locked door,

I can show you where the key is

Can you feel the pulse of your unrealized potential waiting to be liberated and explore its untapped capabilities?

You have a choice to make.

Will you continue on the same path, doubting your career prospects?

Or will you take decisive action, break free from doubts and transform your career?

The power is in your hands. Just give me 2 days of your time.

are you a fan of clear and workable solutions that get dependable results?

Well... I am a huge fan. And if you are too, this means that in just 2 days you will:

  • Eliminate daunting fears and uncertainties so you can make career decisions grounded in solid facts

  • Redefine professional boundaries with confidence so you can achieve tangible work-life balance

  • Crystallize your values so you can avoid jobs that would betray your true self

  • Clear the fog by answering pending questions, empowering yourself to resolve the stay-or-go dilemma

  • Craft an actionable plan for your next steps to ensure you don't fall back into stagnation

  • Gain insight into what you need to do to identify your fulfilling occupation

program overview

your program includes

welcome packet

Personalized Brochure: your all-encompassing guide to the upcoming intensive-days, including your personal schedule, detailed preparation checklists, and all essential information


Comprehensive Workbook: task-based practices and strategic planning workbook, designed to enhance your experience and maximize your outcomes


Pre-Breakthrough Questionnaire: enhancing your experience by providing a customized approach to meet your specific needs and goals


Setup Consultation: 30-minute call to clarify any open questions and discuss your expectations before your intensive-days to ensure a smooth and tailored experience

Day 1

doubt Liberating Breakthrough

Phase 1 - Situational Clarity Workshop

Dive into an introspective analysis of how your current job impacts your life, so you can align your career choices with your core values and life goals, leading to greater personal fulfillment

(Duration 3 hours wtih 30 minute break)


Phase 2 - Liberation Lighthouse Strategy

Confront and overcome your career-related fears and doubts, so you can redefine your professional boundaries and open yourself to exciting, fulfilling career opportunities

(Duration 3 hours wtih 30 minute break)

Day 2

doubt Liberating Breakthrough

Phase 3 - Empowered Decision-Making Framework

Utilize tools to confidently resolve the stay-or-go dilemma, so you can make informed career choices with clarity, eliminating second-guessing and uncertainty

(Duration 3 hours wtih 30 minute break)

Phase 4 - Actionable Transition Plan

Craft a practical roadmap for your career transition, so you can step into your new professional path with confidence and a clear sense of direction, celebrating your courage and resilience

(Duration 3 hours wtih 30 minute break)

3 bonuses

BONUS № 1 - One-on-one live session of 30 minutes
Have a complimentary session to clearly identify what else is needed for you to achieve your dream career within 2 weeks after your intensive-days
BONUS № 2 - Key to your core values
Discover how values impact your everyday life and reveal how to leverage them to your advantage (video & pdf)

BONUS № 3 - Values Clarity Tool
Unveil your values and strengthen your decision-making, increase your clarity, motivation, harmony and fulfillment (pdf & audio)

Curious if this program is right for you?

You have now come to a turning point in life and you have a choice to make.

On one side, there's the path you know well - it's dull, tough, full of hurdles, and often feels like a never-ending struggle.

On the other side lies a path that is inviting, thrilling, with the promise of fulfillment. This second route is less explored, maybe even a bit scary, yet full of potential.

The question is, will you take this chance?

Will you leave behind the dull monotony and decide yourself for a path brimming with vitality and purpose?

Will you continue on the same path, doubting your career prospects?

Many women find themselves tormented by the question:

'Why didn't I do something when I still had time?'

Don't wait until your retirement to regret missed opportunities.

You are in your mid-career.

Seize the opportunity now to find fulfillment.

your first 3 easy steps

Claim your spot: choose the best date for your setup call


Fill me in about your situation: rock the brainy questionnaire!

5 min.


Time to start getting those doubts out of your way!

30 min.


Imagine how you awaken rejuvenated, the weight of uncertainty replaced by excitement for the day. 


Each step at work is lighter, knowing it's part of a graceful transition towards a career that reflects your true self. 


Evenings are now filled with planning and anticipation, not regret. 


You're not just dreaming of change; you're actively living it, stepping boldly into a career that fuels your passion and purpose.

100% Commitment to Transformation

Here's the thing: life-changing results can't be guaranteed. You see, the Doubt Liberating Breakthrough is more than a program, it's a mutual commitment. I promise to give you my all - every piece of wisdom, encouragement, and strategy I've got to help you succeed. Your success is my success. That's why there's no money-back safety net here with the Doubt Liberating Breakthrough. It's not because I don't believe in the program (I passionately do), but because I believe more in you. Your dedication, your effort, and your courage are the true guarantees of transformation. Together, we can make sure that every penny you've invested translates into massive value for your future.

Meet your mentor and coach

Imagine your life as a 'Choose-Your-Own-Adventure' book, but somebody keeps giving you awful colorless pages. Sound familiar? Been there! Lived that tale! Now I've got a high-tech pen to help you
draft a career story you'll love living.

I could blow my own horn and tell you that I've been trained by the crème de la crème and am a member of the International Coaching Federation.

But my real education?

It came from the eye-opening career reinvention journey when I was supposedly 'too old' for it after years spent in a frustrating job that had my dissatisfaction levels through the roof.

This led me to create 4D Tesseract Clarity Framework™.

Sounds futuristic, huh? It's a next-gen career GPS guiding creative seasoned spirits like you, trapped as managers and admins, out of the labyrinth of job despair towards work that makes you want to jump out of bed on Monday mornings.

Living in different countries since 16, speaking 5 languages and experiencing frequent changes have taught me that 'Change' is not just invaluable - it's become my constant, giving me the strength to handle any situation. I am an open-minded enthusiast loving life's beautiful chaos.

When we team up, I will show you how to use ‘Change’ to your advantage.

You're not just getting a mentor - my wealth of cultural understanding, knowledge and powerful skills become your safe harbor and my experience becomes your flight plan for smooth sailing through turbulent career transformation skies.

A provocative twist in the heart of Switzerland

Over a decade ago, my life took a vibrant turn as I stepped into a new chapter in Switzerland, freshly married and filled with hope. Landing an admin role, I saw it as a mere stepping stone, awaiting a position that matched my skills and aspirations.

But then, a twist. Engaged in a task force that sparked my passion, I was on the cusp of a role more befitting, more me. Yet, the hope crumbled – the shift never came. Told I was needed in my current role, my dreams felt clipped. Yet, I clung to hope, believing another chance would arise.

And it did. Only to slip away once more, leaving me ensnared in a cycle of frustration and stagnation. Over 40, in a foreign land, the voice of reason urged me to cling to the 'secure job.' But deep down, I knew it was against my very essence.

After the second setback all I wanted was to quit. Yet my obligation to provide financial support for my family back in my home country prevented me from taking any action. Frustration and disappointment became my constant companions. But fear and uncertainty held me back. I was over 40, in a foreign country, doing the same job for over a decade. According to professional recruiters, I was rusted.

Calming myself down to embrace reason and keep that "secure job" appeared to be a sensible solution at the time.

Looking back now, I realize it was a big mistake. It would never work. I acted against my intuition, my feelings, and my convictions.

As the months passed, my emotional turmoil intensified. I distanced myself from family, friends, gave up hobbies. The joy that once fueled me vanished. The little energy I had left was completely drained by the job.

Then came the pandemic. Amidst the horrific chaos, I confronted the truth:

I needed a change, I wanted joy, passion, a life that felt fulfilled. A decision had to be made, and I knew it had to be fast.

… but how?

Questions, doubts, and anxieties flooded my mind. It seemed there was no way out.

Come what may, I was determined to reclaim my life. I dived into my favorite subject: personal growth and motivation. Full of hope I was looking for mentors and coaches that would be specialized in what I needed. Yet, finding the right solution proved elusive.

Only by chance, I encountered a career counselor who used coaching techniques. What a coincidence! She became my catalyst for change. Three transformative months of coaching unveiled my clear path forward.

Armed with newfound clarity, I made the bold decision to resign from my job and embark on the journey of building a new life.   In terms of logic, the timing could not have been worse. Still, I have proven that everything is possible by going all-in.

The thing is...

there is no such thing as the best time for a major change. It is either you who initiates it or the change hits you hard when you don’t expect it.

Believe me, the first option is better!

My journey was challenging and I am thankful for it.

Now, I stand ready to give back.

I have become that mentor and coach that I was desperately looking for when times were hard.

I am here to share my experience and skills, to help women like me break free from their own constraints and find professional fulfillment.

Don’t let this chance pass you by.

You never know how much happier you can become!

Can you feel the pulse of your unrealized potential waiting to be liberated and explore its untapped capabilities?